June 07, 2022
Hello Altheans! Today we would like to introduce you guys to photographer extraordinaire and all time cool guy Alexio Yeoh from Malaysia. A fashion photographer and a beauty lover, Alexio was the resident photographer for Miss Universe Malaysia 2015. He has photographed numerous celebrities and his photographs have graced the covers and pages of several magazines. We decided to sit down with him for an all exclusive interview here on the Althea Blog. Wanna know what makes this Fasyiyion Fetogrefur tick? Read on!
View more of Alexio's photographs at Alexio Yeoh Designs
1) How long have you been in the fashion/beauty industry and when did your interest in photography start?
I've been in the Fashion/Beauty industry ever since I got out of Uni, which is like 8 years now. I started to have an interest in photography when I was still studying in Australia, and after a few assignments that involved models in our photography subject, I started to build this fun feeling when shooting people.
2) What were some of the hurdles you encountered when you first started?
To be honest, I experienced culture shock when I came back to Malaysia. The fashion industry here is much different than what I've encountered overseas. Thankfully my friends who were working in the local scene guided me through this chaotic mind blowing experience. It's all good now :)
3) To you, what makes a great photo?
It's the emotion, it tells stories when you look at a photograph. It's not about the lighting nor the backdrop. It's the expression of the subject you are shooting, through their eyes, it's like guiding you through a marathon, like the Lord of the Rings Trilogy.
4) Would you pursue fashion design?
I definitely would give it a try in the future if I had the opportunity as I'm always sketching figurines and dresses all the time. It would be a dream come true to see my pieces come to life on the runway!
5) What are your favourite products on Althea?